Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Railing Detail

Here is a close-up of the loft railing . . . debating whether or not to cut off the little "sticks". Please weigh in!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Mattress Shopping

Took a long road trip to Home Green Home in Ithaca, NY to look at and lie on natural/organic mattresses for the cabin . . . loved them! Mattresses will arrive at the cabin in August.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Loft Railing Construction

The loft railing is being assembled this week. We also ordered the refrigerator and laundry unit, and our sleeper sofa arrived at a Boulder warehouse where it will wait for the cabin to be ready.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Upper Loft Stairs Installed

The final upper loft stairs replaced the temporary stairs yesterday.

Hey, there's a dog in our loft !!!

Utility Room

The utility room is complete with painted walls, rubberized floor, trap door to the crawl space, and solar inverter.