Friday, January 6, 2012

Cabin New Year

With pretty much everything done at the cabin, we spent some quality time there over New Years.

Stone counters to replace the temporary wooden counters are the major item left on the interior finish list (besides some additional furnishings).

Outside we plan to install solar hot water panels to compliment the the photovoltaic panels already on the roof . . . and get some nice stone landings to replace the cinder block steps outside each door. There is also a little restoration work to be done between the cabin and driveway, and a new gate at the end of the driveway will be added. But none of this is required to enjoy our cabin with friends and family!

In 2012 we will slowly add basic household items to the cabin . . . like bath and hand towels and kitchen utensils and pots and pans . . . we bought some things as we needed them over the holidays. Trying to stay with made in USA items for everything, which is sometimes not easy!

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Our awesome craftsmen-builders have decided to put in a mantle for us as a Christmas present! This is a photo of it before it is permanently installed. The log is a engleman spruce . . . the same kind of log used for the walls of the cabin itself.

Interior Trim Complete

All of the interior trim in the cabin is now complete including all baseboards. This is a photo showing baseboards and trim around the stairway to the loft and a little of the hallway (on the left).

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


All the appliances arrived and were installed today! That includes this refrigerator plus an oven/range and a stackable washer/dryer. Now we just need to stock the fridge with Izze soda and we'll be all set.

Cabin Interior

Most everything is done at the cabin. We do still have punch-list items to complete (baseboards and some trim), and we have installed temporary wooden countertops since we are having so much trouble finding good stone. But the electricity and water are are on and it is basically ready to stay there. Work for the summer is wrapping up and the cleaners are coming to scrub everything tomorrow.

Bunk Room Complete

All that the bunk room needs now are bunk beds!

The Guest Room is ready for guests . . . except for a few baseboards.