Thursday, October 29, 2009

Snow Delay

30 inches of snow fell on the land (in October!), delaying construction for a few days.

Truss Is Up

The main central curved truss (which will hold up the roof) is installed.

Guest Bedroom

The guest bedroom (also known as the"shed") is being framed at the back of the cabin.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Construction Continues

Construction continues. These photos show the west gable under construction, the view through the loft bedroom east window, and the truss being readied for installation.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Restored Driveway

Here is what the driveway looks like after burying the electric line. We hope that we will be able to get it back to its former beauty by restoring it back to its original 2-track elegance with grass and wildflowers.

Electric Trench

Here is the "Ditch Which" at work digging up our beloved driveway in order to install electric service for our cabin.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Windows In Work

The custom cabin demands custom windows, of course. Here are some pictures of the windows nearly completed. Pretty nice looking, I think.

The schedule has the window maker (whose shop is in Arizona) coming up to Colorado for 3-4 weeks starting November 15th to install and trim the windows.

Meanwhile we still cannot agree on the details of the stonework !!!

Ditch Witch

Here is a photo of the machine (called and "Ditch Witch", apparently) that will be digging the trench down our driveway to get electricity to the cabin. I refer to it as the Lorax.

We are sad to dig up the 2-track driveway which we love as it is. We hope to restore the driveway to its former rustic glory after all the work is done.