Sunday, June 27, 2010

Interior Stonework

The interior stone "knee-wall" goes below the logs all around the interior of the cabin. It's the same stone and design as the exterior stonework.

Loft Floor

The loft floorboards are being installed this week. They are about 2 inches thick pine and look great from above and below, where they will be visible between the ceiling beams.

That's Brian installing the boards and Bell checking his work.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Chimney Stone and Wood Siding

The exterior chimney stonework in complete, and the wood siding is started and should be complete this week as well. This photo shows the east elevation of the cabin.

The exterior is almost done!

Frame Wall Insulation

The frame wall insulation is in. The frame walls are now ready for wood paneling. This is a picture in the loft of a dormer wall with insulation (white).