Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Great Room Floor Installation

Here is a good shot showing the installation of the floor boards in the Great Room near the side door. Note the complication introduced by the solid wood post and also notice the underlying plywood and radiant heat tubes that they have to be careful not to puncture when nailing down the boards!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Cabin in Snow

A nice shot of the cabin taken by Ella with her iPhone from the slopes of MooseView mountain.

Colorado Driveway

Our view onto the land when we arrived New Year's Day.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Larch Floor Installation

Wall paneling is pretty much done, and installation of the floorboards started this week. Larch wood floorboards of varying width are being installed over the radiant floor heat tubes and plywood matrix.

This is a photo of the guest bedroom floor, which was the first to be finished.